Casual Connect July 18-20 2016 - Review

Casual Connect July 18-20 2016
Rating: N/A - Rating Not Applicable

Casual Connect is a conference focused upon small and casual games and their developing global market and concerns related to the monitization of these products. Conferences have international venues – this one was in San Francisco 18-20 July 2016. This year I noticed a greater comfort on exploring native folk histories and national flavors in sources for games. The ones I have reviewed here are either on the market or a few months from being released. Reviewed is not exactly exactly what is going on here. None of these games have been played through and what is presented here is my impression of the game followed by the developers description.

Reviewed by: Editor - Jul/16

  • Casual Connect July 18-20 2016
  • © NA
  • Platform(s): No computer needed